December 12, 2008

Jeff Wells, you have another friend

What can I say? Gran Torino was absolute awesome, head to toe. I'm not the biggest admirer of Eastwood as a director, but man does that guy kick some serious ass period. 

This film just proves that point to the t, as he makes one of the best crafted films of the years while being small and intimate at the same time. It's funny, touching, and eternal, a truly feel good film that makes you look back on your own life. It may not be the best film of the year, but it will always be one of the finest for me. There's something irresistable about the hard-shelled Kowalski who really is a capstone to Eastwood's lifetime achievements. He's a tough-as-nails character with  a hidden heart (maybe not of gold), and when the transformation becomes apparent to the audience, there's rarely anything better than that. It's a good, old-fashioned, story that doesn't pull any punches when it comes to telling the story, but still manages to pack a nice emotional punch in there. Think Million Dollar Baby, except you don't wish that you'd never seen it. At least that's how I felt, but some people clearly like being depressed. You may find this film disappointing. 

Just last post I was saying how my top ten was bound to remain unchanged. I was wrong. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clint is a certified badass.
The Dollar Trilogy and the Dirty Harry Series are proof of this.